Peas Dip (served cold or warm)


  • 1/2 Messbecher (250ml) Erbsen
  • 1/8 l Wasser
  • 1 EL Agavensirup
  • 1/8 l Haferdrink
  • Salz, Pfeffer
  • geriebener Kren

Simmer the peas in a pot with water and salt until the water evaporates and the peas are soft.


Then add oats drink and agave syrup and bring it to the boil.


Refine with salt and pepper and mash up with a hand-held blender.


Garnish it with horseradish as a cold dip or with peas as a warm dip.


Have Fun and Good Succeed!

kalter Erbsen-Dip
warmer Erbsen-Dip

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